Monday, March 3, 2025

Top 10 Reasons to Visit the Mazatlán Aquarium

  1. Take a break from the beach.  When you need a break from the sun and the beach, you can still enjoy the ocean indoors.
  2. Fun for the entire family.  Your kids will love it, and so will you.  It’s one of the largest aquariums in Latin America and fun for all ages.
  3. Turn your children on to the wonders of the ocean.  Who knows?  Your child could become the next Jacques Cousteau, or at least cherish the memory of a lifetime!
  4. Connect with the sea and its wildlife.  You’ll never feel closer to anything that lives in the ocean.
  5. 52 tanks.  The aquarium features tanks of sharks, eels, seahorses, lobsters and hundreds of other saltwater and freshwater species.  Did I mention there’s a shark tank?
  6. The stingray pool.   Bet you didn’t know there are so many types of stingrays!
  7. The largest fish tank in Latin America.  A 420,000-gallon tank of water can hold a lot of fish.  The fish tank holds more than 136 living organisms, but who’s counting?
  8. It’s showtime!  Shows include “Swimming with Sharks and Sea Lions,” “Snorkeling with Rays,” “Diving,” “Exotic Birds” and “Immersion in an Acrylic Capsule.”
  9. Free the turtles.  The Mazatlán Aquarium has protected 4,400 turtle nests and freed over 270,000 sea turtle hatchlings.  The olive ridley sea turtle (scientific name:  Lepidochelys olivacea) is the most common on Mazatlán´s beaches, nesting from June to November. The hatchlings are freed from August through December.
  10. The adjoining botanical garden.  The garden provides a shady reprieve, while you see and learn about tropical birds and birds of prey.